Friday, May 9, 2014

Pilot Post

The first post, and who knows maybe the last.  What do you say in a first post.  Introduce yourself?  Something profound?  Give a roadmap for the blog?  All of the above?  None of the above?

Permit me (as if you have a choice) to lay out what I expect this blog to be.  I guess it would help to explain the title of Sophomoric Saunterings.  Saunterings is apparently not a word as it is being underlined in red here.  So I guess I have invented a word.  Sophomoric of course comes from the same root as the word Sophomore.  I'm not in the 10th grade, nor in my 2nd year of college.  Those days are long gone for me.  I use Sophomoric because of the etymology of the word.  It comes from two Greek words, sophia and moria.  Sophia means wisdom (philosophy means love of wisdom by the way).  Moria means foolishness (we got our English word 'moron' form this Greek word).  So a Sophomore is a wise fool.  As a Sophomore is sort of in the middle of starting school and finishing school the word is  meant to indicate that he (for the record I will use the masculine 3rd person pronoun when the gender isn't specific, if that offends anyone there are other blogs for you to read) is, hopefully, progressing from foolishness to wisdom.  Hopefully I am as well.  Saunterings (my invented word it seems) comes from the word saunter, which can mean to ramble (as I do in these parentheses) and in its origins meant to think.  So the postings on this page will be the thoughts or ramblings of a wise fool.

So what about me?  Well, I am a Christian probably best described as a baptist with great respect for the High Church Liturgical traditions as well as the Messianic movement.  I live in the Deep South and have the accent to prove it.  I teach youth at my church on Wednesdays.  I'm also a bit of an introvert, so this blog gives me a chance to open up as it were.  I enjoy hiking, football (Go Dawgs), driving in the country, doing crossword puzzles, studying Hebrew, visiting my Methodist pastor neighbor (and his Siberian Husky), watching reruns of old shows and generally wasting time on the internet.

Most of what I will write here will be about the Bible, Theology, Philosophy or anything else that happens to strike my fancy that day.  I have political opinions but will do my best to not get into politics very often.

So hope you enjoy.

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